The Productive Sector in the Curricular Design of the Systems Engineering Propaedeutic Training Program in the Mosquera Region

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Ferney Rodrigo Ortiz Jiménez
Mónica Rocío Páez Roa
Nancy E. Ochoa


This article gives an account of the sociodemographic data and the participation of the productive sector in updating the curricular design of the Systems Engineering program at Corporación Tecnológica Industrial Colombiana in the Mosquera region. The program has a vision of sustainability that is applied from training skills to learning outcomes. Additionally, it is an example of an educational proposal supported by preparatory propaedeutic cycles for higher education institutions. For this article, quantitative research was conducted through a documentary analysis of a feasibility study, data was collected using evaluation instruments, and then the data was described statistically. With this, it was possible to determine the relationship between the educational offer for systems engineers and the social need of a high-quality learning education focused on the development of technical, methodological, participatory and ethical skills. Such education will allow the future graduates to practice their profession competently in a globalized context. Subsequently, it was possible to verify that there is a relationship between both the technological skills and the quality of service provided by the graduates and their knowledge and the labor field. The latter evidences that the curricular content needs to be updated and developed within the training process to continuously improve higher education institutions that offer propaedeutic cycles in Colombia.


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How to Cite
Ortiz Jiménez, F. R., Páez Roa, M. R., & Ochoa, N. E. (2022). The Productive Sector in the Curricular Design of the Systems Engineering Propaedeutic Training Program in the Mosquera Region. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 10(1), e4/1 – 19.
Scientific and technological research article
Author Biographies

Ferney Rodrigo Ortiz Jiménez, Corporación Tecnológica Industrial Colombiana - TEINCO, Bogotá, Colombia

Representante Legal, Corporación Tecnológica Industrial Colombiana- TEINCO. Bogotá, Colombia.

Mónica Rocío Páez Roa, Corporación Tecnológica Industrial Colombiana - TEINCO, Bogotá, Colombia

Directora oficina relaciones internacionales, Corporación Tecnológica Industrial Colombiana - TEINCO, Bogotá, Colombia.

Nancy E. Ochoa, Corporación Universitaria UNITEC

Asesora registro calificado, Corporación Tecnológica Industrial Colombiana - TEINCO. Docente investigadora, grupo Gesciente , Corporación Universitaria Remington. Docente investigadora, grupo GICOST, Corporación Universitaria UNITEC. Bogotá, Colombia.


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