Resistance to the dominant language of advertising in Herbert Marcuse: a sample

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Nelson D'Olivares Durán
Clara Liliana Casteblanco Cifuentes


This paper presents the results of a study aiming to analyze how the dominant language of advertising operates to absorb other resisting languages. This research study used document review within the framework of a qualitative descriptive approach. Based on Herbert Marcuse’s theoretical reflections, this paper seeks to provide a critical viewpoint on the language used by advertising in our contemporary society. Under these circumstances, the study recovers the notion of negative criticism, a tendency of critical theory, understood as a way of resisting manipulation by society.


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How to Cite
Durán, N. D., & Casteblanco Cifuentes, C. L. (2020). Resistance to the dominant language of advertising in Herbert Marcuse: a sample. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 8(2), 104–114.
Reflection article
Author Biography

Nelson D'Olivares Durán, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Licenciado en Idiomas Modernos Español-Inglés, UPTC; Magister en Lingüística, UPTC; Doctorando adscrito a la línea de investigación Lenguaje, sociedad y cultura del Doctorado en Lenguaje y Cultura, UPTC. Investigador del grupo de investigación Enletawa, UPTC. Profesor Tiempo Completo, Universidad de Cundinamarca. Fusagasugá


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