Building yourself: challenge or impossibility?

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María Mercedes Villamil Gallego


The question of the human being and the decision to build themselves is necessary in our current context. Therefore, while outside influences are mentioned, some elements involving the individual per se, such as will and freedom, are taken into account. The notion of the building is introduced as an example of a possible personal construction and what it implies: the design, that is, the blueprints, the dreaming; then, deep digging, which is to deepen what you have and heal; finally, building the structure.  Possible solutions to difficulties are mentioned, including writing, letting go, forgiveness and the all-important social support. Later, self-care is addressed and as part of the conclusions, it is argued that, despite the circumstances that individuals are going through, it is them who decide what to do with their experience.


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How to Cite
Villamil Gallego, M. M. (2019). Building yourself: challenge or impossibility?. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 7(2), 87–91.
Reflection paper not derived from research


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