Astronomy as an Interdisciplinary Strategy to Strengthen Academic Management at the San Antonio de Prado Educational Institution

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Helbert Gustavo Arenas Hernández
Dora María Gómez Arbeláez


Through the application of astronomy didactic units, a project was designed that aimed to strengthen academic management from an interdisciplinary curriculum perspective and implementing Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) in the San Antonio de Prado Educational Institution. The foregoing was based on an analysis of the study plan and surveys applied to teachers and students, which evidenced that there was no interdisciplinarity or projects that linked different areas of knowledge. Subsequently, teachers from different areas were invited to participate in the construction of astronomy didactic units based on inquiry and the STEAM approach. Once the previous phase was completed, the design of the proposal was evaluated and improved through the application of Google Forms to the entire educational community that participated in the project, from the study of the records obtained from the participant observation and from the surveys analyzed using the Atlas.Ti 8.0 program, which contributed to improving academic management. Finally, advances in the interdisciplinary processes were evidenced, and it was shown that astronomy and the STEAM model made it possible to achieve the competencies proposed in the Institutional Educational Project.


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Arenas Hernández, H. G., & Gómez Arbeláez, D. M. (2023). Astronomy as an Interdisciplinary Strategy to Strengthen Academic Management at the San Antonio de Prado Educational Institution. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 11(1), e4/1–19.
Scientific and technological research article


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