Spoken Interaction: a sample of conversation analysis

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Nelson D’olivares Durán
Clara Liliana Casteblanco Cifuentes


In this paper an approach to the Conversation Analysis (CA) methodology is proposed. This methodology was used to collect and analyze a spontaneously and naturally spoken interaction. In this case, a conversation between four friends was taken in a context of familiarity. The 5 minute conversation was transcribed following the conventions of Van Lier (1988) and Johnson (1995). Turn taking, overlaps, adjacency pairs, silences and pauses were considered as units of analysis. The paper concludes that the conversation is not merely a chain of ordered shifts with a given duration.


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How to Cite
D’olivares Durán, N., & Casteblanco Cifuentes, C. L. (2017). Spoken Interaction: a sample of conversation analysis. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 5(2), 23–29. https://doi.org/10.22209/rhs.v5n2a04
Reflection paper not derived from research
Author Biographies

Nelson D’olivares Durán, UPTC

Candidato a Doctor en Lenguaje y Cultura - UPTC. Especialista en Filosofía Contemporánea - USBBOG. Licenciado en Idiomas Modernos - UPTC. Miembro del grupo de investigación Filosofía, Sociedad y Educación-UPTC. Profesor UPTC. Contacto linguisticamaestra@gmail.com.co

Clara Liliana Casteblanco Cifuentes

Magister en Educación - UPTC; Licenciada en Educación Preescolar - UPTC. Miembro del grupo de investigación Filosofía, Sociedad y Educación - UPTC. Profesora UPTC. Contacto lailamaestra@gmail.com


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