Some possibilities of integrating web 2.0 into education

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Gerzon Yair Calle Álvarez
Diego Alejandro Ocampo-Zapata


This reflective paper aims to contribute to the discussion on integrating web 2.0 tools into education. To this effect, it begins by presenting the characteristics of web 2.0, including interactivity, content management system and indexing. Then, the relationship between web 2.0 and the user is addressed, which allows the idea of social learning to be developed. To specify the concept of web 2.0 within the perspective of a didactic use, a brief description of some tools and their possibilities of use in the school is made: podcasts, blogs, wikis, web quests, social networks, electronic conferences. One of the conclusions reached by the research study is that it is appropriate for schools to pedagogically and didactically integrate web 2.0 resources into its institutional dynamics.


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How to Cite
Calle Álvarez, G. Y., & Ocampo-Zapata, D. A. (2019). Some possibilities of integrating web 2.0 into education. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 7(1), 69–84.
Reflection article
Author Biography

Diego Alejandro Ocampo-Zapata, Corporación Universitaria Remington

Licenciado en Geografía e Historia, Especialista en Investigación social, de la Universidad de Antioquia, Magister en Educación de la Universidad Católica del Norte.


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