Systems engineering in the public education sector in Colombia

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Juan Habib Bendeck Soto


This paper aims to provide a general reflection on systems engineering as a profession as well as on the current perspective prevalent in the Colombian public educational sector on this discipline both as a degree program and as a profession in the country’s labor market. Various social and academic aspects are analyzed that impact the lack of interest on the part of students in the public sector, taking into account that the information and communication technology (ICT) industry in the country lacks a large number of professionals who can meet the current needs of the enterprise and the academic sector. Therefore, this paper aims to raise awareness of the importance of this industry as well as to better promote this degree program among inclusive social sectors, which require a good number of students with a highly qualified academic training for the software sector.


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How to Cite
Bendeck Soto, J. H. (2018). Systems engineering in the public education sector in Colombia. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 6(2), 82–88.
Reflection paper not derived from research


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