Tutorials practical and comprehensive training of SENA Apprentices

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Luis Alberto Ospina Ospina
Mirian Fanny Obando Obando
Blanca Inés Restrepo Echeverri


This study describes and analyzes the tutorial practices carried out during the integral formation at the National Learning Service, SENA. The social, cognitive and emotional components of SENA allow this governmental institution to meet the current demands of employers, thus fulfilling its social responsibility related with the formation of human talent required by the Colombian productive sector. According to our results, improving trainees education in social, cognitive and emotional skills require to strengthen tutorial presential practices, so instructors can meaningfully address their role as tutors during the integral training of SENA trainees. The respondent instructors recognize this difficulty and apprentices claim vehemently the figure of a tutor that facilitates not only the acquisition of technical knowledge but also the internalization of values, attitudes and behaviors that contribute to their social and work conditions


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How to Cite
Ospina Ospina, L. A., Obando Obando, M. F., & Restrepo Echeverri, B. I. (2014). Tutorials practical and comprehensive training of SENA Apprentices. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 2(2), 24–37. https://doi.org/10.22209/rhs.v2n2a02
Scientific and technological research article


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