The Schizoanalytic School: A Path towards a New Pedagogical Proposal
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The schizoanalytic school–grounded in the philosophical currents of Deleuze, Guattari and Foucault–proposes a reconfiguration of the educational system in Colombia to produce critical and reflective citizens. This philosophical approach questions the power structures, the violence and the conflicts that arise within educational institutions and advocates for an education based on collaboration, empathy and mutual respect. In addition, it criticizes the educational standardization promoted by international treaties that prioritize technical skills which are detrimental to humanities. This standardization gives rise to what is known as “neoliberal pedagogy.” The proposal of the schizoanalytic school emerges as an alternative that fosters creativity, autonomy and self-reflection in students and invites them to become active agents in their educational process. This interdisciplinary approach–between philosophy and psychoanalysis–poses a critical look at power structures and the construction of knowledge in education. At the same time, it promotes inclusive, fair and quality education to encourage social transformation and to promote that citizens commit to change and equity, so that their bodies become resilient entities devoted to personal care.
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