Psychological Violence in the Romantic Relationships of University Students from Quibdó, Chocó

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Elizabeth Montoya Giraldo
Julieth Andrea Pinillo Gómez
Laura Mosquera Sánchez
Yenifel Andrea Raga Murillo
Cindy Paola Moya Salina
Yiris Vanessa Ledesma Pino
Diany Marcela Gutiérrez Ibargüen


Psychological violence in romantic relationships is a method of subjection of one person to another that is naturalized by relating violence to the physicality of the body, ignoring its effects on mental health. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to describe psychological violence in the relationships of young university students in the city of Quibdó. The methodology of the study is quantitative, a Scale of Violence in Adolescent Relationships (CADRI) was applied to measure the components associated with psychological violence: relational, verbal-emotional violence and threat. The sample was made up of 240 university students, of which 130 were students from Uniclaretiana (private university) and 110 from Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó Diego Luis Córdoba (public university). The results evidenced that the most predominant type of violence among university students is the verbal-emotional violence, and women are the most likely to exercise it and suffer it within relationships. Another relevant finding is that private university students suffer and experience violence in a higher percentage, excluding the relational violence suffered.


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Montoya Giraldo, E., Pinillo Gómez, J. A., Mosquera Sánchez, L., Raga Murillo, Y. A., Moya Salina, C. P., Ledesma Pino, Y. V., & Gutiérrez Ibargüen, D. M. (2023). Psychological Violence in the Romantic Relationships of University Students from Quibdó, Chocó. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 11(2), e9/1–13.
Scientific and technological research article


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