Evaluation of the Customer Service Quality through the Dineserv Quantitative Model and Its Effect on Profitability: Case Study of Restaurants in the Northern Zone of Montería

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Luly Stephanie Ricardo Jiménez
Fray Ramiro Romero Osorio
Pedro Juan Navarro Flórez
Hernando Puentes Lozano


When talking about quality, it must be considered that it is something subjective that can be defined as the fulfillment of customer requirements. There are sectors, such as restaurants, where the provision of the service and the product delivered must be combined, so that quality can be measured. This research aims to evaluate the conditions of customer service provision using the Dineserv quantitative model and the effect it has on the profitability of restaurants in the northern area of Montería. The Dineserv tool uses 29 questions that make it possible to assess the degree of satisfaction with the service provided and the product delivered and identify the non-conformities of costumers with restaurants. The statistical analysis was done through a factorial analysis, the calculation of statistics such as the standard deviation, and the mean. Finally, the degree of quality of the service offered by restaurants to diners in the city of Montería and its relationship with the profitability of the establishments was known.


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How to Cite
Ricardo Jiménez, L. S., Romero Osorio, F. R., Navarro Flórez, P. J., & Puentes Lozano, H. (2023). Evaluation of the Customer Service Quality through the Dineserv Quantitative Model and Its Effect on Profitability: Case Study of Restaurants in the Northern Zone of Montería. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 11(1), e7/1–14. https://doi.org/10.22209/rhs.v11n1a07
Scientific and technological research article
Author Biographies

Luly Stephanie Ricardo Jiménez, Corporación Universitaria Remington, Montería, Colombia

Docente investigadora, administradora de empresas, economista, especialista en Gerencia del Talento Humano, Msc en Investigación y Pedagogía en el Aula, (c) Phd. Dirección de proyectos y doctoranda en Educación. 

Fray Ramiro Romero Osorio, Corporación Universitaria Remington, Montería, Colombia

Docente Investigador. Ingeniero de Alimentos, especialista en Administración Total de la Calidad, magíster en Sistemas Integrados de Gestión.

Pedro Juan Navarro Flórez, Corporación Universitaria Remington, Montería, Colombia

Docente administrativo. Ingeniero industrial, especialista en Gerencia Informática, magíster en Dirección y Administración de Empresas.

Hernando Puentes Lozano, Corporación Universitaria Remington, Montería, Colombia

Docente. Ingeniero industrial,  especialista en Docencia, maestrante en Administración e Innovación.


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