Motivation: Goals, Expectations and Values-Interests related to Learning in Ecuadorian Adolescents. Preliminary Results

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Yolvy Javier Quintero Cordero
Mayra Alejandra Bustillos Peña
Ana Victoria Poenitz
Norma Molina Prendes


The aim of this article is to analyze the motivations that adolescents have for their learning process, from the conception of goals, expectations and values-interests. The researchers relied on the theoretical references of Tapia (2005), Rohlfs Domínguez (2016) and Rabino Oliver and Serra Desfilis (2018), among others. This is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach and a cross-sectional field design. The population under study is made up of 540 adolescents, students from six schools in the city of Quito, who are in the eighth, ninth and tenth grades of higher basic education. The instrument used was an online questionnaire, answered by 75% of the population. Therefore, the sample was established at 405 adolescents. This study is included in a larger one that is under development, therefore the results that emerge from it will be of a preliminary nature. Once the questionnaire was applied and the corresponding analysis was conducted, it was possible to conclude that the motivation that mostly responds to the students’ learning is related to expectations with 77.5% (average), followed by values-interests with 61.3 % (average) and, in third place, motivation related to goals with 47.5%.


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How to Cite
Quintero Cordero, Y. J., Bustillos Peña, M. A., Poenitz, A. V., & Molina Prendes, N. (2022). Motivation: Goals, Expectations and Values-Interests related to Learning in Ecuadorian Adolescents. Preliminary Results . RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 10(1), e6/1 – 12.
Scientific and technological research article


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