Teaching-Learning of Art Through 3D Virtual Tours in the City of Quito in 2021

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Santiago Ávila Albuja
Andrea Salomé Morales Galárraga
José Alberto Vergelin Almeida
Richard Patricio Sánchez Sánchez


The teaching-learning process from different educational institutions reveals that it is necessary to promote knowledge and appreciation of the artistic manifestations of the country’s cultural heritage. Finding effective ways to promote experiences related to art aimed at students is essential, since they are useful for developing multiple intelligences, especially spatial intelligence. In this sense, virtual tours are an important tool to appreciate art from anywhere in the world. Such tours allow students to virtually explore the cultural heritage from different museums and thus acquire their knowledge. This article presents an exercise conducted with the aim of identifying the impact of technology in artistic-cultural education. The documents present, first, a bibliographic review of the fundamental concepts and categories in this field. Subsequently, the methodology used for the research, a qualitative analysis of the information, is described. Next, the experience of three museums that offer virtual tours for the public –Museo Casa Guayasamín, Museo de San Francisco and Museo Interactivo de Ciencias (MIC)– in the city of Quito was analyzed. Finally, the conclusions and the bibliographical references are stated.


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How to Cite
Ávila Albuja, S., Morales Galárraga, A. S., Vergelin Almeida, J. A., & Sánchez Sánchez, R. P. (2022). Teaching-Learning of Art Through 3D Virtual Tours in the City of Quito in 2021. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 10(1), e7/1 – 14. https://doi.org/10.22209/rhs.v10n1a07
Scientific and technological research article


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