Virtual Training Project in ICT for teachers of the GAD Pedro Moncayo in Ecuador

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Luis Fernando Aguas Bucheli
Rosario Coral
Flavio Morales
Emanuel González


With the arrival of COVID-19, face-to-face activities were suspended due to the high risk of contagion to which people were exposed. As an alternative to this situation, a virtual training plan focused on Information and Communication Technologies for education was provided, through technological tools that allowed instructing teachers of the middle-level educational institutions of the Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Cantonal Pedro Moncayo. This document contains the methodological proposal for the structure of virtual classrooms and the analysis carried out between the different variables: age, gender, disability, number of students, course content, materials, instructor's explanations, mastery of the subject and application exercises for research. In this project aimed to link with society, the students of the 8th level of Information Systems at the Universidad Tecnológica Israel (UISRAEL) trained 300 teachers, providing a significant contribution through online classes, which motivated them to improve continuously the teaching processes that they carry out.


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How to Cite
Aguas Bucheli, L. F., Coral, R., Morales, F., & González, E. (2022). Virtual Training Project in ICT for teachers of the GAD Pedro Moncayo in Ecuador. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 10(2), e3/1 – 15.
Scientific and technological research article


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