Spatial Representation of the Educational Institution and the Virtuality Study Space

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Carolina Suárez Martínez
Valentina Ardila López


The COVID-19 pandemic has generated numerous problems that have modified the relationships and the perception of the environment. Both public and private educational institutions are no exception, given the changes in the representation of these spaces made by students, teachers and the educational community in general. This research aimed to understand the spatial representation of the educational institution and virtuality as a study space for high school students from Colegio La Salle Envigado after the COVID-19 emergency. The methodology, which had a qualitative approach, followed a phenomenological method and was conducted with 11 students from that institution. The data collection techniques used were the semi-structured interview, the social cartography and the non-participant observation as a cross-sectional technique. In summary, this study evidenced that said representation is built based on the quality of learning, the relationship dynamics, the benefits and comforts that the space can provide, and the practices that may or may not be possible considering the conditions imposed by the sanitary emergency. At the end of the document, the meanings of institutional and virtual space are discussed in terms of teaching-learning methodology, appropriation and school socio-spatial dynamics.


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How to Cite
Suárez Martínez, C., & Ardila López, V. (2022). Spatial Representation of the Educational Institution and the Virtuality Study Space. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 10(2), e4/1 – 12.
Scientific and technological research article
Author Biographies

Carolina Suárez Martínez, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Psicóloga, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó.

Valentina Ardila López, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Psicóloga, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó.


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