Inclusive education: an awareness program at an educational institution in Sincelejo, Sucre

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Daniela P. Doria Dávila
Mirella M. Manjarrés-Rodelo


This paper aims to assess the effect of an awareness program on the importance of an inclusive education approach in the educational community (engaging parents, teachers, management staff and students) of Antonio Prieto Industrial and Technical Education Institution in the city of Sincelejo (Sucre) in 2019. The research study used a descriptive quantitative approach. At the outset, a number of surveys and interviews were carried out in order to know the state of the inclusion process at the institution up until that moment. Then, the awareness program was executed through talks, training sessions and an educational inclusion fair. After that, surveys were conducted to measure the degree of satisfaction and effectiveness of the activities carried out. The results showed that the progress in the field of inclusion that had been achieved in the institution before the awareness program were poor since the awareness-raising of the educational community of the institution had not yet been reached, with the teaching staff posing the greatest challenge. Finally, the study concluded that the awareness program was effective as the educational community showed greater appropriation and awareness of the inclusive education approach.


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How to Cite
Doria Dávila, D. P., & Manjarrés-Rodelo, M. M. (2020). Inclusive education: an awareness program at an educational institution in Sincelejo, Sucre. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 8(1), 6–21.
Scientific and technological research article
Author Biography

Daniela P. Doria Dávila, Corporación Universitaria del Caribe CECAR – Sincelejo, Colombia

Psicología CECAR. Semillero de investigación "Psicología Clínica y De La Salud Hoy", Sincelejo-Sucre-Colombia



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