Complex thought as a key tool to face the challenge of equality for human beings

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Carmen Gil del Pino
Sonia García-Segura


Nowadays, when the mighty of the earth advance at the speed of a meteor with the sole objective of commodifying for their own benefit –under a winner-takes-all logic–;  when, in need of inequality (they are nourished by asymmetric interdependence), they deepen the gap opened in the world and increasingly distance its two halves –hunger and feast–; when they sow their own thinking all over the planet and label the alien thinking as being low intensity or zero thought; when they steal the most precious thing in every human’s life, that is the word; when, in summary, the globalization of the market annihilates us, this paper addresses the phenomenon, locates its milestones –inequality and distance between men, eviction of thought, theft of logos– and through them it builds ways of return, ways of ascension: the rescue of the word (a beautiful word, that is, a word of one’s own), the complex thought and the proximity and equality of all human beings.


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Gil del Pino, C., & García-Segura, S. (2020). Complex thought as a key tool to face the challenge of equality for human beings. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 8(1), 50–65.
Reflection paper not derived from research


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