The poetic reason and its role in opening up the thinking

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Nora Luz Álvarez Gómez


This paper reflects on the need for poetry and imagination in the formation of human thinking, and on how these need to be complemented with reason so that humans take a deep look on reality, knowing they are dual beings who need both elements to inhabit and transform the world. Some of the concepts used here about language are taken from Hans Georg Gadamer, while the notions of image, imagination and imaginary are based on Gastón Bachelard, finally, the concept of poetic reason is taken both from Friedrich Nietzsche and María Zambrano. These concepts are used to understand how poetic reason allows human beings to have an open thinking that allows them to explore their reality with a broader view.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Gómez, N. L. (2018). The poetic reason and its role in opening up the thinking. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 6(2), 89–102.
Reflection paper not derived from research


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