Analysis of the results obtained by undergraduate education students in Saber Pro standardized tests

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Israel Alfonso Moreno Pinzón
José Eriberto Cifuentes Medina
José Antonio Chacón Benavides


This paper analyses the results obtained by students of a bachelor’s degree in primary education in Saber Pro standardized tests in Colombia, which were taken as a graduation requirement. The data bases containing the results of the tests were downloaded from the website  and scores obtained by students of the bachelor’s degree in primary education (distance mode) were used. The students who took the Saber Pro tests in 2013 were homogeneously and standardly assessed in the following: citizen competences, written communication, English, critical reading, quantitative reasoning. The results show that for some competences the students’ scores are below the national group. Generally, undergraduate students are not seriously committed to Saber Pro tests, as these are considered as a mere graduation requirement rather than a possibility to improve the quality of higher education. The test is considered to go on one direction while students and education move to another direction, without the slightest possibility of reaching a point of convergence.


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How to Cite
Moreno Pinzón, I. A., Cifuentes Medina, J. E., & Chacón Benavides, J. A. (2018). Analysis of the results obtained by undergraduate education students in Saber Pro standardized tests. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 6(2), 22–48.
Scientific and technological research article


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