Possibility of a phenomenological psychology based on a phenomenology of the person in action

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Andrés Felipe López Lopéz


The formulation of a philosophical anthropology founded on a phenomenology of the person is presented here as the principle of validity for a phenomenological psychology. This psychology guarantees the analysis of psychic phenomena under a new attitude: the phenomenological attitude as a phenomenological reduction. When applied to research and to the psychologist intervention in the clinical setting, this reduction ensures human be considered in its special uniqueness and not through theories that determine the human subject as a static reality. The idea of this paper is to recover human existence as becoming: the person is subject of his own actions and is through them that the eidos of human substantial psycho- physic unity can be reached.


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How to Cite
López Lopéz, A. F. (2013). Possibility of a phenomenological psychology based on a phenomenology of the person in action. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 1(2), 120–132. https://doi.org/10.22209/rhs.v1n2a02
Scientific and technological research article


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