Evolution from traditional to social marketing in nonprofit institutions: the case of Universidad de Medellin

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Juan Guillermo Álvarez
Alejandro Rojo Zapata


Marketing already exceeds the commercial sector. Marketing methods are used not only to identify and satisfy consumer needs and the usage of goods and services, but also to identify and meet social, humanistic, and spiritual needs. This is why its scope is not limited to business; it also extends to nonprofit associations, foundations, religious organizations, the state, and universities. These new areas of social marketing include strategies for changing specific behaviors by using advances in communication technologies and marketing techniques. Social marketing dates back to July 1971. It was used by Kotler and Zaltman to implement commercial marketing principles and techniques in public campaigns or to disseminate ideas that benefit society. Since then this concept refers to the design, implementation, and monitoring of programs aimed to promote a social idea or practice in a given community. We took Universidad de Medellín (UdeM) as an example to conduct a quantitative and qualitative study which started in 2011. This study was aimed to know whether or not UdeM conducts social marketing, or if it is confused with social responsibility as it has been stated by several authors. The study included semi-structured interviews to students in different semesters and programs, and to University staff responsible for social responsibility policies.


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How to Cite
Álvarez, J. G., & Rojo Zapata, A. (2014). Evolution from traditional to social marketing in nonprofit institutions: the case of Universidad de Medellin. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 2(1), 42–52. https://doi.org/10.22209/rhs.v2n1a04
Scientific and technological research article


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