Clarification of the corporate Image Concept

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Jaime Enrique Pallares Espinosa


Corporate image is a key component for projecting organizations towards their various stakeholders. Different agents and professionals are involved in presenting corporate image, with some doing it more properly and effectively than others. The study entitled “Characterization of the Corporate Image concept from boutiques and advertising workshops in Bucaramanga” presents a comparative study on how this concept is understood by the agencies responsible for advising companies on their image. Although it is aimed to stand out organizations in order to differentiate them in the global market -according to Santander Vision 2030 megaproject - the projected image should not be reduced to a simple “corporate makeup”. A study was conducted in this field of Organizational Communication in Bucaramanga, where design and corporate image marketing offers have been identified


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How to Cite
Pallares Espinosa, J. E. (2014). Clarification of the corporate Image Concept. RHS-Revista Humanismo Y Sociedad, 2(1), 33–41.
Scientific and technological research article
Author Biography

Jaime Enrique Pallares Espinosa, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Docente en la Facultad de Comunicación Social-Periodismo de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana- Seccional, Bucaramanga, de las asignaturas de Expresión Oral y Corporal, Ética, Deontología e Investigación, así como la Coordinación del Área de Comunicación Organizacional; Ha realizado investigaciones como: “Mapas Urbanos: una aproximación transdisciplinar al concepto de Agrupamientos”; “Observatorio Metropolitano de Comunicación Organizacional”. Publicó el libro de investigación: “Impacto del Comunicador en Bucaramanga y su área Metropolitana”. Líder del Grupo de Investigación en Comunicación Organizacional “Comité”, registrado ante


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