Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Web addresses and DOI identifiers have been added for references.
  • If you are submitting your manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal´s section, you must confirm that the authors´ names and their affiliations do not appear within the uploaded file to ensure a blind review.
  • RHS policy requires that authors only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor which is under review for another refereed publication.
  • • The article must be submitted in Microsoft Word format, in Arial, 11-point font, 1.5 spaced, in a single column layout on letter size pages and margins must be set to 2.5 cm on all sides.
  • The estimated word limit ranges from 6000 to 7500, including graphs, figures, and references.
  • The tables and figures should appear within the text in the corresponding place, preferably after being referenced. Tables are single spaced. Where possible, tables and figures should be submitted in an editable format.
  • The journal adheres to the format established by the North American Psychology Association (APA) for citations, references, tables and figures.

Guidelines for authors 

RHS-Revista Humanismo y Sociedad publishes both disciplinary and interdisciplinary articles in the field of human and social sciences, with scientific and scholarly value.


Articles written in a language other than the authors' mother tongue must be reviewed by a certified translator before submission to the journal.


 Articles must be submitted through OJS (Open Journal System) platform http://fer.uniremington.edu.co/ojs/index.php/RHS/about/submissions with a respective submission notification email to: rhs_humanismoysociedad@uniremington.edu.co

In addition, you have to attach the proof of authorship.


Types of articles


Scientific and technological research article. It is an article that presents, in detail, the original results from completed research projects. Its structure generally includes introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusions sections.


Reflection article. This article informs the results of completed research studies from the analytical, interpretive or critical standpoint of the author about a given topic, using original sources. It must adhere, as applicable, to the guidelines for original research articles.


Review article. It is an article resulting from a completed research in which the results of existing published or unpublished research in a field of science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for advances and development trends. It is characterized by a thorough bibliographic review of at least 50 references. It must essentially adhere to the guidelines established for original articles. It is important to note that the authors must argue, support or dispute the information contained in the updated review: In addition, a critical contribution should be provided on the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities of the proposed topic.


Reflection paper not derived from research. It is a document prepared by the author containing their ideas and views on a specific aspect related to science, academia or institutional life. The authors will be free to use the grammatical style they consider appropriate, as long as the editorial aspects adhere to journal guidelines, theoretical rigor is applied and the article development contributes to the discursive community of human and social sciences. It is worth noting that these types of articles are not eligible for indexing processes.


Format requirements


  • The article must be submitted in Microsoft Word format, in Arial, 11-point font, 1.5 spaced, in a single column layout on letter size pages and margins must be set to 2.5 cm on all sides.


  • The estimated word limit ranges from 6.000 to 10.000, including graphs, figures, and references.


  • The tables and figures should appear within the text in the corresponding place, preferably after being referenced. Tables are single spaced. Where possible, tables and figures should be submitted in an editable format.


  • The journal adheres to the format established by the North American Psychology Association (APA) for citations, references, tables and figures.


Paper structure


The following structure applies to original research articles. For the remaining types of articles, the author may adjust the materials and methods/results and discussion sections, depending on the type of article.


Title. The title must accurately and clearly state the content of the article. It must be written both in Spanish and English, be center-aligned, given in bold and lowercase and consist of  up to 15 words.


Authors. Names must be left-justified. Under each author, full affiliation information, email address and ORCID must be clearly indicated.


Abstract (in spanish). This subheading should be centered, in bold typeface and lowercase. The abstract text should be justified in regular font. It contains the problem addressed, the purpose, a concise description of the materials and the methods used, the relevant results, analysis and conclusions. It should not exceed 200 words.


Keywords. These are the words used to include the article in databases. For this reason, it is important to choose them well. In this section words are usually included that describe the content, the fields of study and the geographical regions studied, among other information. This subtitle should be written in bold and lowercase, followed by a colon. Insert a space after the colon and then add a minimum of five and a maximum of seven words not included in the title of the article, separated by a semicolon (for example, Keywords: anthropology; communication; instinct; socialization). It is recommended that the keywords be taken from UNESCO Thesaurus.


Abstract. This subheading should be centered, in bold typeface and lowercase. The abstract text should be justified in regular font. Corresponds to the abstract translated into English.


Keywords. Keywords translated to English (Keywords: corporal; development; growth; participatory; rural).


Introduction. Centered title in lowercase and bold facetype. It outlines the current state of knowledge of the topic addressed (background and problem), the hypotheses evaluated and the general purpose at the end of it. This section can be divided into subsections with appropriate titles and each of these should be developed according to the purposes of the research study.


Materials and methods. Title centered, lowercase and bold typeface. This section can be divided into subsections with appropriate titles and each of these must address each of the specific goals set out in the research. This section must include the following:


Type of study. It should clearly indicate the type of study carried out, the population under study and the size of the sample used.


Methods. Author's developed methods or methods standardized by the author must be accurately described. If a method has been described by other authors, its details do not need to be included, but it must be appropriately referenced. The methods modified by the author must be referenced and an accurate description of the modifications must be included.


Analysis. It must clearly indicate the procedures used according to the type of research carried out as well as the changes made to the data to facilitate the analysis.


Results. Centered, lower case title typed with bold typeface. This section can be divided into subsections with appropriate titles as outlined in the materials and methods section. Depending on the research study, the results section may be combined with the discussion section.

Discussion. Centered, lowercase title typed with bold typeface. It includes the main contributions of the authors, explaining and contrasting their results with other works and interpreting the differences. At the end of this section, pertinent recommendations or hypotheses are proposed. Reference to topics or hypotheses that are not strictly related to the results and the central topic of the work should be avoided.


Conclusions. Centered lowercase title, lowercase typed with bold typeface. The analytical perspective of the authors is materialized in this section, including the theoretical and practical contributions of the research to the area of knowledge, the limitations and prospects of the study.


Acknowledgement. Centered lowercase title, lowercase typed with bold typeface. The institutions and people who funded or supported the work can be mentioned. This section is optional.


References. Centered lowercase title, lowercase typed with bold typeface. References must be in accordance with the standards established by the North American Psychology Association (APA), both in this section and within the entire article. Works cited or referenced must be listed in alphabetical order, by the first word of the reference list entry. A minimum of 20 references is required, in addition, 50% of references must be from publications within the period of the last five years.


Examples of the most common types of works cited by authors will be provided below.



Last name and first name of the author, or first-name initial and publication year (in parentheses). Book title and subtitle (in italics). Publisher. Example: Duque Posada, J. S., Ríos Patio, G. A. T., Bernal Guarín, O. M., & Espinoza Bonifaz, A. R. (2019). La prisión preventiva en Colombia y en el Perú. Un análisis procesal, criminológico y político criminológico. Fondo Editorial Remington


  • Parenthetical reference: (Duque Posada et al, 2019)
  • Narrative citation: Duque Posada et al. (2019)

Book chapter

Last name, A. A., & Last name, B. B. (Year). Chapter title. In A. A. Last name. (Ed.), Book chapter (pp. xx-xx). City, Country: Publisher. Example: Flaubert, G. (1999). Madame Bobary. In D. Ackerman and J. Mackin. (Ed.), El libro del amor (pp. 127-132) (Carlos Gardini, Trans.). Ediciones B.


  • Parenthetical reference: (Flaubert, 1999)
  • Narrative citation: Flaubert (1999)


Serial publication (journal)

Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B., & Last name, C. C. (Date). Article title. Journal name, volume (number), pp-pp. DOI or url. Example of journal: Gil del Pino, C., & García-Segura, S. (2020). El pensamiento complejo como herramienta clave ante el desafío de la igualdad de los seres humanos. RHS-Revista Humanismo y Sociedad, 8(1), 50-65. https://doi.org/10.22209/rhs.v8n1a04


  • Parenthetical reference: (Gil del Pino & García-Segura, 2020)
  • Narrative citation: Gil del Pino and García-Segura (2019)


Electronic material

Last name, A. A. (Date). Page title. Publisher. URL where the document was retrieved from. Example of web page: Woodyatt, A. (September 10 2019). Las siestas diurnas una o dos veces por semana pueden estar relacionadas con un corazón sano, dicen los investigadores. CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/10/health/nap-heart-health-wellness-intl-scli/index.html


  • Parenthetical reference: (Woodyatt, 2019)
  • Narrative citation: Woodyatt (2019)


  • Tables and figures. Tables and figures (including photographs, graphs, drawings, maps, infographics, illustrations) will be numbered with Arabic numerals. The number and title of the table or figure should be provided on the top. The number should appear above the title. The title should appear one line below the number of the table or figure. The title should be short but descriptive. Tables and figures must be cited or referenced in strict order of appearance in the text. In addition, they must be labelled with a caption (Arial font, 10-point size) indicating to the reader the information found in it.

The citation in the text can be done in two ways: a)...as it is shown in Table 2 or b)...the results did not show a statistical difference (Table 2). The same applies to the figures. It is necessary to specify the source from which the table or figure was obtained (always at the bottom), unless it has been produced by the author. The resolution for photographs must be at least 300 dpi in high quality JPEG, TIFF or EPS format.