CMQ Matrix for Occupational Impact Measurement 4.0

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José Luis López Carmona


This article presents its own original methodology to measure the occupational impact of the digitalization of companies, or occupational impact 4.0, by measuring 10 indicators obtained in research carried out by the author on the effects of Industry 4.0 on occupations and jobs. Drawing on different research traditions, the matrix of indicators measures the occupational impact, individually in each job, connecting the substantive content of the work (the tasks and activities carried out in the workplace) with the specific organization of work that takes place in each company or industrial plant because of its digital transformation programs.


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López Carmona, J. L. . (2024). CMQ Matrix for Occupational Impact Measurement 4.0. Accounting and Management Research, 3, 24.
Artículo original de investigación
Author Biography

José Luis López Carmona, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Doctor en Sociología (Universidad Complutense de Madrid-UCM, España). Ha cursado varios programas de posgrado relativos a la gestión de Recursos Humanos, Seguridad y Salud Laboral, y Gestión de Calidad.

Su carrera profesional de más de 20 años se ha ubicado en el campo de los recursos humanos, trabajando en diferentes empresas y ocupando diferentes puestos, tanto de dirección como de consultor especializado en Selección y Formación.


López Carmona, J. L. (2024). CMQ Matrix for Occupational Impact Measurement 4.0.

Accounting and Management Research, 3, eamr.v3a01.2024. DOI: