Perspectives of environmental management and its dissemination in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

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Claudia Patricia Flórez-Flórez
Edilgardo de Jesús Loaiza Betancur


This paper was developed with the objective of presenting a reflection on the current context and the alternatives that micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (mipymes) must adopt sustainable practices, which in turn can be
communicated through reports that facilitate decision making. This reflection is based on the analysis of information describing alternatives for business environmental management and the instruments used for their dissemination.
These alternatives are the result of exercises carried out by various authors and organizations at the international level, interested in promoting strategies that contribute to sustainability. The research is of a descriptive type, in which a direct documentary review of information gathered from academic databases is carried out. The results obtained, which lead to the final reflection, reflect the existence of a diversity of options that are available to any company that wants to adopt strategies oriented to environmental management and its disclosure. Most of
these strategies have been adopted only by large companies, mainly because they are required by law to carry out informed environmental management actions. In mipymes, the situation is different; in this sector there is a significant gap with respect to such actions, which requires the implementation of public policies that encourage an environmentally friendly exercise by the companies of this group, and that additionally promote training and awareness programs that lead the owners of these businesses to carry out an integrated management, through
which they benefit not only economically, but also by contributing to the environment.


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Flórez-Flórez, C. P. ., & Loaiza Betancur, E. de J. . (2024). Perspectives of environmental management and its dissemination in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Accounting and Management Research, 3, 25. Retrieved from
Artículo de revisión sistemática


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