Stress from teleworking as a consequence of the pandemic in a higher education institution in Medellín

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Marllyn Andrea Zea Velez
Lina María Bastidas Orrego
Natalia Isabel Jaramillo Gómez


The present study had as objective to describe how the telework during the pandemic affected the collaborators of the administrative area and teachers of the Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences of the Tecnológico de Antioquia, university institution of the city of Medellín. Methodologically, this work is framed within the quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental and cross-sectional studies. This study is based on the application of a questionnaire with variables associated with psychosocial risk factors. The results showed that most of the variables are at a medium risk level, from which a moderate stress response can be expected; however, it was identified that a significant percentage expressed anxiety due to the impact of COVID-19, because, due to the work demand, the working day was extended. Likewise, the most common discomforts found in the study sample were headaches, neck pain and muscle tension, as well as difficulties in concentration and feelings of irritability; conditions that represent a medium-high risk factor.


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How to Cite
Zea Velez, M. A. ., Bastidas Orrego, L. M. ., & Jaramillo Gómez, N. I. . (2024). Stress from teleworking as a consequence of the pandemic in a higher education institution in Medellín. Accounting and Management Research, 3, 16.
Artículo de revisión sistemática


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