Analysis of the discretionality of the mercantile registrar in the registration of mercantile corporations in Venezuela

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Ericlis Yohana De la Rosa Iriarte
Joseany Yetzebel Méndez Segovia
Néstor Enrique Amarís López
Jorge Armando Muñoz Ruiz


The research explained below had as its general objective the analysis of the discretion of
the commercial registrar in the registration of commercial companies in Venezuela, based
on the opinions of recognized authors who are scholars of the subject such as: Crecia
(2012), Chávez ( 2012 and Ossorio (1963), as well as some legal postulates established
in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1999), the Commercial Code
(1955) and the Law of the Public Registry and Notaries (2014). The research is considered  descriptive type with a documentary phase, using direct documentary observation and
the application of an interview-type instrument as data collection technique, whose
validity was obtained through the Academic Committee of the Faculty of Legal and
Political Sciences of the Rafael Belloso University Chacín (Venezuela). The results of the
research demonstrate that business freedom represents an economic right established
in our constitution and which must be protected by the State, as the guarantor of the
subjective rights established in the Venezuelan legal order, of development fullness of
the human being, as well as freedom, social justice and equality, with the public powers
being the ones who establish the conditions so that these principles are real and are
developed effectively, removing any obstacle that hinders their fullness and in this way ,
promote and facilitate the participation of individuals in political, cultural, economic and
social life.


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How to Cite
De la Rosa Iriarte, E. Y. ., Méndez Segovia, J. Y. ., Amarís López, N. E., & Muñoz Ruiz, J. A. . (2023). Analysis of the discretionality of the mercantile registrar in the registration of mercantile corporations in Venezuela. Accounting and Management Research, 2, 1–18.
Artículo original de investigación
Author Biographies

Joseany Yetzebel Méndez Segovia, Universidad Privada Rafael Belloso Chacín


Néstor Enrique Amarís López, Corporación Universitaria Remington



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