Human Factor and Organizational Change

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Sandra J. Estrada
Rossana Zuccarello Jiménez
Eglet del R. Chirinos Sánchez
Gustavo E. Córdova Rodríguez


The general objective of the article was to determine the importance of the human factor in the context of organizational change, theoretically supported by: Parker (1941), Krüger, (2006), Certo (2001), Dobre (2013), Ganta (2014) and Ferrer (2015). Methodologically it adheres to the descriptive typology, with non-experimental, transitional, documentary design. After the review of several authors, the results allow us to point out that the human factor is considered decisive in change, because it is involved in all the processes that occur within organizations; that his commitment to change will depend on the perception he has as to what the purposes pursued - will also benefit him, and he will prefer stimulating, demanding jobs, accompanied by non-monetary incentives. To the extent that the organization begins to generate the desired results in the process of change, workers will lose the fear of leaving the comfort zone (ZDC) and will pass on enthusiasm, synergy and motivation to the organization. It is recommended, to provide him - confidence, to obtain his best effort in the transformations that will tend to make the organization a more efficient one, and form small work teams, to facilitate the pact in the final decisions.


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How to Cite
Estrada, S. J., Zuccarello Jiménez, R., Chirinos Sánchez, E. del R., & Córdova Rodríguez, G. E. (2022). Human Factor and Organizational Change. Accounting and Management Research, 1(2), 1–17.
Artículo original de investigación


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