Zero cooperative surpluses for maximum benefits to members

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Reinel José Guzmán Marín


This research study aimed to analyze how effective the zero surplus model was to maximize the income of the members of Cooperativa Coopaguaduales. The study relied on the theories of Vallina (2010), Clavijo et al. (2016), Mora (2014), among others. An inductive and hypothetical methodology was used and the survey was the data collection technique, which relied on a structured questionnaire applied to the members of Cooperativa Coopaguaduales, located in the municipality of Frontino (Antioquia, Colombia). For establishing validity expert judgment was used and the data were analyzed through qualitative analysis, which let to conclude that the members have a positive perception of the zero surplus cooperative model. The research indeed showed that Cooperativa Agropecuaria de Guaduales managed to uninterruptedly solve the unemployment problem for 25 farming families in Frontino from 1998 to the present. The income received by the cooperative members was considerably higher than the income received by the salaried workers of other companies with similar characteristics in the area.


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How to Cite
Guzmán Marín, R. J. (2021). Zero cooperative surpluses for maximum benefits to members. Accounting and Management Research, 1(1), 1–14.
Artículo original de investigación


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