Management of human talent at Centro Clínico Los Ángeles, C. A.

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Irvana del Carmen Villarroel Díaz
Sandra J Estrada


This research study aimed at analyzing management of human talent at Centro Clínico Los Ángeles, C. A., based on the theoretical considerations from Zabaleta (2013), Chiavenato (2009), Vallejo (2016), Dolan and Cabrera (2007), Calderón (2008), among other authors. This was an analytical research study with a non-experimental, cross-sectional field design. A structured interview and an interview guide were applied as data collection techniques. Content validity was established through expert judgement. The data was analyzed through an analysis matrix, which led to conclude that talent management processes are indeed applied in the company under study, including: admission, application, compensation, development, retention and monitoring of employees.  However, it was found that the human resource management of the company is not based on knowledge and competency management models, this being an opportunity for improvement to enhance its strategic management. Regarding the talent management trends applied in the clinical center, its guidelines focus on the search for market positioning through a philosophy of quality management in its services.


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How to Cite
Villarroel Díaz, I. del C., & Estrada, S. J. (2021). Management of human talent at Centro Clínico Los Ángeles, C. A. Accounting and Management Research, 1(1), 1–14.
Artículo original de investigación


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